【英單】English Vocabulary note

flict (=strike)
afflict v. Experiencing and suffering
- It is an illness that afflicts women more than men.
inflict v. Treating people or animals badly
- These new bullets are capable of inflicting massive injuries.

relatable adj. 有關連的/有共鳴的

- One of the reasons for her success is that the characters in her books are so relatable.
- This poem has many resonances for me.(名詞的共鳴,物理上、心理上皆可)

expertise n. specialized skill

- I have no expertise in sewing expertise.

on end = continuously:

splendid adj. excellent, or beautiful and impressive:

- You look splendid in that outfit.

dissolve v. 溶解 / 解散

- Parliament has been dissolved.

deplete 耗盡 

replenish 補充 (plen = full)

complement 補足;使完善

incompetent adj. Inability and awkwardness

desperate 絕望的

environmental footprints 


convoy = escort

introvert <=> extrovert 


- There was insufficient money to fund the project.

considerate adj. kind and thoughtful

- It wasn't very considerate of you to drink all the milk.

low profile <=> high profile  

dust mite allergy 

iatr 醫療

iatric a. 醫師的, 醫藥的, 醫療的, 藥物的
kinesiatrics n.(醫) 運動療法
neuropsychiatry n.神經精神醫學
orthopsychiatry n.行為精神病學
otiatrics n.(醫)耳病治療學
paediatric a. 兒科的
pediatric a.小兒科的
physiatrics n. 物理療法, 物理治療
podiatry n.腳病學
psychiatric a. 精神病學的, 精神病治療的
psychiatry n. 精神病學, 精神病治療
psychogeriatric a. 老年精神病的
psychogeriatrics n. 老年精神病學

rectify (v.)改正  (rect/ ify  right/ make)

successive In 2012, China's men won their fifth successive Thomas Cup.

continuous There has been continuous rainfall in Northern England for 10 days. 
consecutive Unemployment rates have fallen for the fifth consecutive month.
continual He still smokes despite the continual warnings of his doctor. 

alleviate v.

- The painkiller alleviated the pain.
diminish v.
- The supply of oil has diminished because of the war.
- Eric’s wife reduced Eric’s monthly allowance
- The population of birds decreased greatly last year.
Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply declined.

slum = ghetto 


1. happen
2. occur
3. take place
4. break out

anticlimactic adj. 虎頭蛇尾的 anti- climax-

sanitation sanitary

- Many illnesses in these temporary refugee camps are the result of inadequate sanitation.

hygiene hygienic
- Poor standards of hygiene mean that the disease spreads fast.

generic adj.

- The new range of engines all had a generic problem with their fan blades.


aptitude Skill, talent and ability
- We will take your personal aptitudes and abilities into account.
appetite n. 食慾

rudimentary adj. Crude and basic 

- Her knowledge is still only rudimentary.
fundamental(基礎的) / rudimentary(基本的)

renege vi 背信、違約  (negate-否定)- If you renege on the deal now, I'll fight you in the courts.
drop out 退出,退學- He dropped out of the race after two laps.

opt out  選擇退出- Employees can choose to opt out of the pension scheme.

esthe、aesthe 感覺

aesthetic a. 美學的, 審美的, 有美感的
aesthetics n. 美學
kinaesthesia n. 動覺, (肌肉等的)運動感覺

hypnotic a. 催眠的, 易於催眠的 n. 安眠藥, 催眠藥

hypnotize vt. 施催眠術, 使恍惚, 使著迷

superstition n. 迷信
perceptive adj. 觀察敏銳的 感知的 

observant adj. 觀察敏銳的 當心的
subtle不易察覺的keen observation 敏銳的洞察力 a keen sense of smell. She's keen on (playing) tennis. 熱衷
manners = courtesy = etiquette 禮儀

ambivalent adj.矛盾的 模稜兩可。
ambitious  RICH
compelling adj.

convincing adj.
eloquent adj.

treatise n.論文


carnation n. 康乃馨
reincarnate vt. 轉世
carnage n. 大屠殺

tentative a.嘗試性的. 

tentacle n.觸角



monotonous adj. Tedious and uninspiring 

- The music became monotonous after a while.

indifference n. Lacking interest and enthusiasm


min→突出 imminent = impending 即將到來的

eminent 突出的
prominent 突出的;顯著的

"repercussion",n 反响(由某事产生的间接的后果、影响);回声
【記】percussion(n 震動;敲打樂器)
参:percuss(v 輕敲),cuss作为词根是“震动”的意思。"

biography 傳記

autobiography 自傳
autograph 親筆簽名(尤其名人) 

1. engage 吸引

It is a movie that engages both mind and the eye. 

2. engage with 融入

It's difficult to engage with the locals. 

3. engage in 從事/參加

I engaged in a cycling club. 

4. engaging 有趣的/迷人的

It is an engaging place in my city. 

5. be engaged 忙於

I am now engaged on my second book.

6. be engaged to someone 和某人訂婚

My sister has engaged to Peter who is a foreigner. 

amputate (v. 截肢) = 字首am-(同ambi-,表around四周)+ 字根-put-(表trim修剪)+動詞字尾ate。字面上表「將周圍修剪掉」

susceptible a. 易感動的, 易動感情的, 易受影響的, 容許…的
succumb v. 屈服於 (su-sub cumb-躺)

intractable = stubborn (stub-殘樁)

Serendipitous a. 無心插柳的

oblique 拐彎抹角的 ob對抗(against) lique漏水

ceas- 停止
cease n. 停止 vt. 停止 vi. 停止
ceasefire n.停火
ceasing n. 停止
decease n. 死亡 vi. 死亡
deceased a. 已故的 n. 死者
predecease n. 先死 vt. 比…先死 vi. 先死
surcease n. 停止 vt. 中止 vi. 中止
unceasing a.持續的


efficient (a) 效率高的,有能力的
deficient (a) 缺乏的,不足的
deficiency (n) 缺乏,不足之數
deficit (n) 赤字,不足額
suffice (v) 足夠,有能力
sufficient (a) 足夠的,充分的
sufficiently (ad) 十分地,充分地
insufficient (a) 不足的
proficient (a) 熟練的,精通的

fatigue = tiredness  

melan - 黑melancholy a. 憂沉,悲哀的

[記] "沒人看你"很悲哀

分工時談 responsibility; 究責時談 accountability

If you refuse to operate on him, I shall hold you accountable for his death.  Who is responsible for the committee? 誰負責這個委員會?

scrutiny n. Analysing and evaluating
The government's record will be subjected to scrutiny in the weeks before the election.

ethereal 天上的 ether天空,乙太

Antarctic ant + Arctic 


complex < complicated < intricate < sophisticated intrigue 密謀 (in- trick-) 

exacerbate .v. 惡化 (ex 加強+ acer銳利的 + b + ate動尾) 

mitigate v.減輕
slingshot 彈弓


常指明明看见、明明知道,或经考虑后仍不重视,含“不理”、“不顾”之意。名词仍为 disregard。

apotheosis 神化、完美典範

第一個意思 "使(人)神化" 是原始含意

apo (change)* + theos (god) + is (名詞尾)

syn- tact-秩序的
syntactically ad. 句法上, 語法上

scenario 腳本

oratorio 神劇

tumultuous,adj 乱哄哄的;疯狂激动的
【反】serene(adj 平静的)"
turbid,adj 混浊的(有悬浮物的)

cataclysm 大洪水、大變動
calamity = c無意 + ala(r)m警報 + -ity名詞字尾 = 應該警戒的事情=災難

apparition n. 幽灵,神奇的现象
apparatus n. 儀器
【記】1 ) 來自拉丁語apparere,ap-=ad-添加, parare準備,為別的事情作準備→機械 2 ) 

annihilate v. 消滅 (destroy ; demolish) 

【記】 an+nihil(無)+ate→ 消滅

complacent adj. 自满的 = smug

【例】He had become complacent .

despicable -spi 看 de-向下

-despise變成向下看,就是鄙視。在中文跟英文中都一樣,仰望表示尊敬,看低就是輕視。所以A looks down on B就是A看不起B。despicable直譯就是可以輕視的,引申為卑鄙的。
contemptible adj.卑劣的 
ex.當演唱會的時候有人偷錄影,或是有人插隊,他們的行為是contemptible behavior
contemptuous adj.表示輕蔑的
ex.當你說出對-色狼這種行為-感到蔑視的話,你說的話就是comtemptuous words

verdict, v, 判決(ver- = true, 判決說了真話)

【記】verify v. 證明

字根 cern, cret  == separate 分離

discern  v.辨別、察覺到 [To perceive with the eyes or intellect]
discernment  n.辨別、察覺  
discernible  a.能識別的 [capable of being discerned; distinguishable.] 
discreet  a. 謹慎,考慮周到,指"careful, prudent"
discrete  a.離散的不會重疊 (後來才轉義)
discretion   n.謹慎,考慮周到 
ex. It is within your discretion to settle the matter.
【記】"the power to make distinction"

He is a millionaire recluse who refuses to give interviews. (隱士)

【記】clud、clus 封閉

voyeur 偷窺狂 


"precarious", adj 不穩的(在安全性或穩定性方面極為危險的)


"revelation", n (早先未認識到的東西的戲劇性)顯示;洩露的事實
【記】源於:reveal(v 展現了;暴露)
【參】revealing(adj 有啟迪作用的;揭露性的)"
"revelry", n 狂歡
【反】mournfulness(n 悲哀)

"mesmerize", v 對…催眠;使迷住=enthrall
thrall 奴隸
bethrall vt. 使成為奴隸, 加以束縛
enthrall vt. 迷惑, 迷住, 使做奴隸, 奴役
inthrall vt. 迷惑, 奴役, 迷住
thrall n.奴隸

intrigue 1. 激起;引起…好奇心
】< in-:in 裡面 > + trigger(v. 觸發)→ 激起。
intrigue 2.搞陰謀詭計
】trick詭計 → 搞陰謀詭計
intrinsic adj. 本身的;本質的;固有的;內在的
intricate adj. 錯綜複雜的
【記】in trick 搞詭計很複雜

The treatment only aggravated the condition.
aggravate <=> alleviate

allot v. 分配

- The factory allotted a parking-space to each employee. conspicuous = eye-catching
- In China, her blonde hair was conspicuous.

untapped a. 未利用的;未開發的

precedent n. 先例

diagonal adj 对角的;n 对角线


burgeon  v.發芽,抽枝;迅速發展;  Plants burgeon from every available space.
mobility impairment n. 行動障礙

vulgar adj. 不得體的,庸俗的


macul 污點

immaculacy n. 無污點, 無斑點, 純潔, 清淨
immaculate a. 無污點的, 無斑點的, 無缺點的, 純潔的, 無辜的, 無過失的
immaculately ad. 乾淨地, 純潔地, 完美地, 無瑕疵地, 毫無過失地
maculate a. 有斑點的, 有污點的 vt. 使有斑點, 使有污點
maculated vt. 加斑點, 弄污 a. 有污點的
maculation n. 斑點, 污點, 斑紋, 玷污
maculature n. 廢頁
macule vt. 使模糊 vi. 變得模糊 n. 斑點, 污點, 痣, 重疊印
maculose n. (地質)斑結狀

enormous=colossal=gigantic=immense ---adj.廣大的

sagacious, adj 聰明睿智的(有敏銳的洞察力的,判斷力強的,有遠見卓識的)
【記】源於:sage(adj 賢明審慎的;n 賢人)saga世嘉,cious-世嘉的成功是因為有很多敏銳聰明的員工
【反】without wisdom(無智商的);puerile(adj 幼稚的;平庸的);fatuous(adj 愚昧的)"

protrude vt.使伸出,使突出

bulge v. 微凸起
swell v. 腫起來




imaginary scenario 
delusion 妄想

burglary n. 竊案
morale n. 士氣- There have been a lot of job losses recently so morale is fairly low. 

lachrymal a. 淚的, 流淚的, 淚腺的 n. 淚腺, 淚壺

lachrymation n. 流淚
lacrimation n. 流淚, 哭

rog 問

derogatory adj. 貶損的
arrogance n. 傲慢, 自大abrogate vt. 廢除, 取消

Shrug ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

edify to improve someone's mind


hilar 快樂

exhilarant a. 令人高興的, 使振作精神的 n. 令人高興之事物, 興奮劑
exhilarate vt. 使高興, 使愉快, 使振奮
exhilarated a. 高興的, 興奮的

exhilarating a. 使人愉快的, 令人振奮的

cipher 密碼

indecipherable a.辨讀不出的

pivotal 關鍵的


eloquent 出口成章
colloquial 大家共同使用的語言,表示「白話的、通俗的」
multiloquence 冗長
grandiloquent 誇張的、大言不慚的。
magniloquent 說話誇大
soliloquy 自言自語

compulsive 強制的

compulsory 義務的 

felicitous 快樂的

facetious 滑稽的
fastidious 挑剔的
【記】原意是”厭惡、輕視”,後來才衍伸出由於對其他人厭惡輕視,產生出挑剔的意思。tid的原意就是tedious 厭煩的,我們可以說This course is tedious, but students usually get easy grades. (這門課令人厭煩,但是給學生的分數很甜。) tidious看成tedious,再配合字源,這樣比較會記得因為厭煩而產生的挑剔感

compunction n. 内疚

ubiquitous adj. 無所不在的

【記】ubike 無所不在

streaking n. 裸奔

streak n. 裸奔,飛馳

mantle  n. 地函, 披風
dismantle v. 拆開, 廢止

versatile adj. 多彩多藝

versed adj.熟練的
ambidextrous adj. 左右開弓的
dexterity n. 靈巧
agenda         [ag 做,end 名詞字尾 a 表示複數;原義為:things to be done, “待做的事項”] 議事日程
agile           [ag 動→活動→靈活 ile 形容詞字尾 …..的] 靈活的,敏捷的
agility         [見上,-ility名詞字尾,表示抽象名詞] 靈活,敏捷
agitate         [ag 動 –it-,-ate 動詞字尾 使….. “使騷動”→] 鼓動,煽動,攪動,使不安定

fetishize v. 盲目崇拜worship v. 崇拜 
articulate adj. 口齒伶俐的

adulate  v. 諂媚,奉承

a pertinent question/remark

recreation 消遣
amusement 樂趣,遊樂
entertainment 娛樂

scrupulous 謹慎的 A scrupulous politician would not lie about her business interests.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder,縮寫:OCD)強迫症

quirk 指特有的習慣或舉動,含「怪怪」的意思

redeem v. 贖回,彌補 shawshank redemption

tycoon n. 大亨

sociable a. 好交際的
gregarious a. 群居的, 愛社交的
【記】gre = group

debacle n. 一敗塗地,徹底崩潰
The collapse of the company was described as the greatest financial debacle in US history.

sarcastic a. 挖苦人的
【記】sarco-肉 諷刺很傷人,彷彿把我們的肉撕開來

peripheral  adj 不重要的,外圍的;輔助的=auxiliary=supplementary

hodgepodge n. 大雜燴

sanctimonious adj假裝神聖的

satire 諷刺
n. 諷刺文學, 諷刺作品, 諷刺
a. 諷刺的, 挖苦的
a. 諷刺的, 挖苦的
ad. 諷刺地, 譏諷地
vt. =satirize
n. 諷刺作家, 愛挖苦的人

vt. 諷刺, 挖苦, 對…寫諷刺文章 vi. 寫諷刺作品
n. 諷刺,挖苦,嘲笑
a. 諷刺的, 挖苦的
